Monday, May 19, 2008


Payton has just cut his first two teeth! This means a couple of things. First that he's crankier than usual (not shown in pictures). Actually he's still pretty delightful but just a little grumpy due to the pain. Secondly this means that I'm done with breastfeeding... and just in time. I'm not the type who really loves it, though I wish I had done more with my other two. But my goal with Payton was six months which we passed at the beginning of may. Hooray!!


Julie said...

I can't believe how much he is changing! He is going to go from cutting teeth to running across the yard in no time!

Mike&JenFamily said...

Oh, Lindz and I are dying with how dang cute he is. Can't believe how big he is now and yet he's still cute as a button!! Miss and love ya!

Garren, Michelle, Ryker, Trey & Mikylee said...

He has changed so much. I can't believe how big he is getting...Lets see...I haven't seen him your you since Christmas...That is just too long. See you in June

Athack77 said...

Oh come on, don;t you want to be a chew toy? When my kids did nip me, I could never do anything but un-latch them and stick them on the floor. They always got the idea. Congrats on the 6 months of nursing. Poor Callie has only had a bottle!

MegaMonster said...

awhh i miss little payton! i'm only a little glad i don't have to be there to hear him crying about the teeth. :]